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durga puja quotes

 durga puja quotes

Durga Puja, the six days celebration festivity of Bangalis is praised with jollity and loftiness in conditions of West Bengal, Jharkhand, Assam, Odisha, Tripura, Bihar, Maharshtra and numerous others. Amid Durga Mahotsava, lovers of goddess Durga offer supplications and look for endowments of the goddess. Amid Durga Puja goddess Lakshmi, Saraswati and in addition master Ganesha and Kartikeya are additionally loved by enthusiasts alongside goddess Durga. It's a celebration that is praised on stupendous scale and enriched Pandals and in addition aesthetically ornated icons of goddess Durga are primary attractions of the celebration. Families and relatives accumulate and welcome each other with best and healthy wishes. Beneath said Durga Puja citations will give you the top to bottom embodiment of Durga Puja celebration and its noteworthiness among the Bnagalis. Parchment and experience these Durga Puja cites:


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durga puja quotes no.1

  Man, the imperfect, the bound, the sorrowful, has a thousand enemies within. He is riddled with negative thoughts fears, yearnings. These are selfishness, jealousy, meanness, prejudice and hatred just to mention but a few. The Sadhak must get rid of these lawless villains within. With Mother Durga's kripa, these destructive masters are to be annihilated. Invoke the Mother Terrible to help us annihilate within ourselves all negative forces; all weaknesses, - all littleness. - Swami Chinmayananda



durga puja quotes no.2

Dhaker upor chilo kathi,
asha kori pujo hoyeche jomjomati.
Mayer pherar belai tomai janai bijoyar shuvechha r antorik obhinondon.



durga puja quotes no.3

 "Durga Pooja is celebrated in various parts of India in different styles. But the one basic aim of this celebration is to propitiate Shakti, the Goddess in Her aspect as Power, to bestow upon man all wealth, auspiciousness, prosperity, knowledge (both sacred and secular), and all other potent powers. Whatever be the particular or special request that everyone may put before the Goddess, whatever boon may be asked of Her, the one thing behind all these is propitiation, worship and linking oneself with Her. There is no other aim. This is being effected consciously or unconsciously. Everyone is blessed with Her loving mercy and is protected by Her." - Swami Sivananda



durga puja quotes no.4

 "During Navaratri, Goddess Durga is invoked first to remove impurities from the mind. The Goddess Lakshmi is invoked to cultivate the noble values and qualities. Finally, Saraswati is invoked for gaining the highest knowledge of the Self. This is the significance of the three sets of three nights when all these three are gained subjectively, and then there will be Vijayadashami, the day of true victory." - Swami Tejomayananda of Chinmaya Mission.



durga puja quotes no.5

"Durga (Devi) is synonymous with Shakti or the Divine Power that manifests, sustains and transforms the universe as the one unifying Force of Existence. Shakti is the very possibility of the Absolute's appearing as many, of God's causing this universe. God creates this world through Srishti-Shakti (creative power), preserves through Sthiti-Shakti (preservative power), and destroys through Samhara-Shakti (destructive power). Shakti and Shakta are one; the power and the one who possesses the power cannot be separated; God and Shakti are like fire and heat of fire." - Swami Sivananda.



durga puja quotes no.6

 May Maa Durga EMPOWERS you with her 9 BLESSINGS of Name, Fame, Health, Wealth, Happiness, Humanity, Knowledge, Devotion and Power! Happy & Blessed Durga Puja



durga puja quotes no.7

 May Maa Durga Shower her Choicest Blessing on you and your family on Durga Pooja & Always



durga puja quotes no.8

 Wishing that Maa Durga gives you the courage and strength to fight all evil forces that come your way. Happy Durga Puja



durga puja quotes no.9

 May all the Joys that Durga Puja brings be with you today and in all your tomorrows. Wishing you Happy Durga Puja.



durga puja quotes no.10

 You are the Goddess of Victory, You are the Goddess of Divinity, You embody the Power of destraction, You are the harbinger of prosperity, You save us from misery, You obtain our consciousness on kind and tolerant one the savior of the Gods



durga puja quotes no.11

 On Durga Puja I Wish That Maa protects you from all evils and blesses you with Peace, Prosperity and Happiness!



durga puja quotes no.12

 I'm wishing that you have the most wonderful celebration of Durga Puja. Treasure the moments and have fun with your family. I'm sending my heartiest wishes to everyone in the family. Happy Durga Puja



durga puja quotes no.13

 May This Durga Puja, Light Up For You. The Hopes of Happy Times, and Dreams For A Year Full Of Smiles! Wish You Happy Durga Puja.


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some other big quotes of durga puja 2017


Man, the defective, the bound, the miserable, has a thousand foes inside. He is filled with negative considerations fears, desires. These are self-centeredness, desire, ugliness, bias and contempt just to say yet a couple. The Sadhak must dispose of these untamed scoundrels inside. With Mother Durga's kripa, these ruinous experts are to be destroyed. Summon the Mother Terrible to enable us to demolish inside ourselves every single negative power; all shortcomings, - all smallness.
- Swami Chinmayananda 


Durga (Devi) is synonymous with Shakti or the Divine Power that shows, maintains and changes the universe as the one binding together Force of Existence. 'Shakti is the very plausibility of the Absolute's showing up the same number of, of God's causing this universe. God makes this world through Srishti-Shakti (inventive power), protects through Sthiti-Shakti (additive power), and decimates through Samhara-Shakti (damaging force). Shakti and Shakta are one; the power and the person who has the power can't be isolated; God and Shakti resemble fire and warmth of flame.
- Swami Sivananda 


Durga Pooja is commended in different parts of India in various styles. Yet, the one essential point of this festival is to appease Shakti, the Goddess in Her perspective as Power, to give to man all riches, favorability, success, learning (both holy and mainstream), and all other intense forces. Whatever be the specific or extraordinary demand that everybody may put before the Goddess, whatever help might be asked of Her, the one thing behind all these is appeasement, venerate and connecting oneself with Her. There is no other point. This is being affected intentionally or unknowingly. Everybody is honored with Her adoring kindness and is ensured by Her.
- Swami Sivananda 


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some small quotes of durga puja 2017 


durga puja small quotes no.1

Wishing that Maa Durga... Blesses you and your family with happiness, joy and good health. Which lasts forever!


durga puja small quotes no.2

From Sasthi to Dashami it's time to enjoy. May Maa bless you with lots of happiness and joy. Warm Wishes on Durga Puja!


durga puja small quotes no.3

May Maa Durga empowers you with her 9 blessings of name, fame, health, wealth, happiness, humanity, knowledge, devotion and power. Happy and blessed Durga Puja!  


durga puja small quotes no.4

Sarad Shubhecha, from our home to yours. Have a blessed Durga Puja!


durga puja small quotes no.5

On Durga Puja I Wish That Maa protects you from all evils and blesses you with Peace, Prosperity and Happiness! 


durga puja small quotes no.6

Dhaker upor chilo kathi,
asha kori pujo hoyeche jomjomati.
Mayer pherar belai tomai janai bijoyar shuvechha r antorik obhinondon.


durga puja small quotes no.7

Shiuli phuler gondhe meteche shara akash. Kash phul r ghasher dolay bojha gelo mayer padadhwani. Pujor antorik shuvechha janai tomake!


durga puja small quotes no.8

durga mohamaya, songe aschen lakhi, sorosati,
kartik and gonsha, deshe porte debena kono bipoder chhaya.
Subho Durgo Pujo 



durga puja quotes durga puja quotes Reviewed by RAJ ROCK on September 13, 2017 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Navratri is celebrated to glorify the spirit in us. The spirit in us alone can destroy all our negative qualities.


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